Saturday, December 18, 2010

It Won't Stop at iPad's

iPad, The most useless shiny object on the market today is selling hand over fist. Why? Why is a tablet, that costs more than computer, does less than a computer, and does less than the iPhone, still selling so well?? My opinion, the iPad is essentially going backwards when it comes to the technology that we already have. It’s based off the iPhone and iPod touch. It’s as if someone said, “Hey, what if we could make this iPod really big??” I’m sorry, wasn’t the goal to make these gadgets smaller so people can use them on the go? It does everything my iPod does, except I can’t put it in my pocket.
                See, companies like apple make way too much money selling products such as this one. And in another year, they’re going to release a new iPad. It’ll cost around the same the iPad’s do right now, but it will have that 1 extra feature that the last iPad didn’t have. Perhaps a small camera on the front to “Facetime” your friends. If this item is a must have, at least wait until they either blow out the last model, or improve it enough in the future so it’s worth your hard earned money. This goes for any big ticket item.
                Take the progression of TV’s in the last decade. We started to introduce HD. Now we’re toying with 3D TV’s and converting all of our DVD’s to Blu-Ray and 3D movies. As of right now, today’s TV’s can search the web and if you put on magic glasses, it’s a stoners dream come true. It’s like Cheech and Chong are smoking in your living room! Ok, granted we haven’t yet gone back and converted older movies to 3D, but what’s stopping us? We did it with Blu-Ray! Take a look at your new expensive Blu-Ray player hooked up to your 42” High Definition LCD TV. How does it feel to know that for the same price you paid for that TV two years ago, the next model can browse the web and find youtube videos?
                But wait, what are you doing? You’re not saving for one of these new TV’s now are you? Why? You just bought a new TV! Who cares if it’s as thin as a picture frame?!
                The point of my aimless ranting is that we’re all going to go out and spend money on materialistic crap none of us need, at some point anyway. If you have to be that person that wants to own nice things like iPads and 3D HD TVs, don’t run out and waist more money you don’t have, wait! It’s not difficult to predict what these products are going to do in the next 5 years. Just think of all the things they can’t do right now. For example, can you turn on your TV by talking to it? Hmmm.
                Bottom line, if you own any of these current products, do yourself a favor and wait at least 10 years before you buy your next big ticket item. When all they had where color TV’s, nobody went out and bought a new one every year, because they made no changes! I used mine for 16 years before I got my new HD TV. Yet I only had my iPod for 3 years before I ended up with the shiny touch screen one. That’s because we’re in a new era of technology that progress faster than ever before. And it’s only going to get faster.
                So even though I already had a great MP3 player, I couldn’t help saying: But wait, the shiny touch screen one has a smaller hard drive, still plays music, and NOW you can BUY games for it! WOO HOO!! It’s the purchase that keeps on draining my wallet! But WAIT!! Now it does all that, AND makes phone calls for just 130 bucks a month! OH BOY GIMMIE GIMMIE! But WAIT!!!! … Now it has a camera so you can see the people you talk to!
I rest my case.

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